Plant Level LMC Convergence of Programs
Mr. Bulatao conducted OSH orientation in CANITALK ACADEMY located at Yangco Road, Baguio City.
Loss Control Management Seminar Training
Monitored the Loss Control Management Seminar conducted by Safety House Inc. on May 19,2016 at Sky Rise Hotel Baguio City with 13...
RCC meeting
Mr. Bulatao attended the RCC-TWG meeting regarding the visit of Secretary Rosalinda Baldoz, Araw ng Kalayaan Jobs Fair, World Day Against...
Capacity Building For Family Welfare Program Implementers in Region 1
Mr. Bulatao act as a Resource Speaker for ‘’Ergonomics and Musculoskeletal Diseases” during a two day event regarding Capacity Building...
OSH Investigation
Mr. Bulatao assisted Engr. Melanie Banayos (LLCO) and Mr. Gil Datayan( ECC) in the conduct of OSH investigation of a fatal accident at...
Labor Day 2016
Participated in the preparation of Labor Day 2016 at Baguio Convention Center together with DOLE CAR and other attached agencies headed...

World Day for Safety and Health at work together with DOLE Cordillera Administrative Region
The Department of Labor and Employment- Cordillera Administrative Region (DOLE-CAR) together with OSHC REU CAR and other attached...
RCC meeting
Mr. Bulatao attended the RCC meeting held on 26 April 2016 at DOLE CAR which was presided by RD Lacambra. Agenda discussed was the...
10th GKK Second Validation
Mr. Bulatao participated the 10th GKK second validation in Cordillera Administrative Region (SN-ABOITIZ BINGA Hydro Power Plant,...

10th GKK Second Validation
Mr. Bulatao participated the 10th GKK second validation in Cordillera Administrative Region (SN-ABOITIZ BINGA Hydro Power Plant,...