Gawad Kaligtasan at Kalusugan
As of January 29, 2016, a total of 40 companies were invited on the 10th Gawad Kaligtasan at Kalusugan; seven (7) of them already...
Safety Program Audit (SPA) Training
Mr. Agno attended the five (5) days 40 hours training conducted by the Insafety Inc. at the OSHC. The topics discussed mainly focused on...
Safety Program Audit Training
Mr. Andayog attended the Safety Program Audit (SPA) Training conducted by InSafety Incorporated on January 25-29, 2016 at OSHC, Quezon...
Safety Program Audit Training
The Safety Program Audit Training was attended by OSH Practitioners, Safety Officers, DOLE LLCOs and OSHC. Participants were taught on...
Construction Occupational Safety and Health (COSH) Training
The Bicol Occupational Safety and Health Network, Inc. (Bicol OSHNet), in coordination with the Department of Labor and Employment,...
1st DOLE 9 Management Committee Meeting
The Management Committee Meeting is attended by DOLE RO, Field Offices, Intermediaries and Attached Agencies (RTWPB, NCRO, ECC and OSHC)...

OSH Orientation during the Labor and Management Forum
The DOLE Provincial Field Office of Catanduanes conducted a one-day Labor and Management Forum on January 21, 2016 at Rhaj Apartelle and...
GKK Initial Workplace Evaluation
The Regional GKK Secretariat composed of Mr. Andayog, OSHC; Ms. Bonavente, ECC; and Mr. Lovedorial, DOLE conducted an initial workplace...
Construction Occupational Safety and Health Training
OSHnet 4A conducted COSH Training. A total of twenty seven (27) potential safety officers composing of twenty (20) males and seven (7)...
Basic Occupational Safety and Health Training
OSHnet 4A conducted BOSH Training. A total of twenty eight (28) potential safety officers composing of fifteen (15) males and thirteen...