Continuing Tripartite Consultation for Stakeholders in the Fishing Industry

Continuing Tripartite Consultation for Stakeholders in the Fishing Industry spearheaded by the Department of Labor and Employment Regional Office 9 aims to facilitate the Drafting of Joint Department Order Prescribing the Rules and Regulations on Working and Living Conditions of Fishers on Board Commercial Fishing Vessels.
Through the Occupational Safety and Health Center, this D.O. aims to promote health and safety by means of protection and prevention of accidents, injuries, illnesses or deaths that may occur in the duration of employment of fishers onboard fishing vessels through compliance with the mandatory Occupational Safety and Health Standards.

During the open forum, a question was raised asking whether there is an existing BOSH or OSH Training specific for the said industry. And it was relayed by OSHC REU 9 Focal, Ms. Espinosa, that the OSHC is on the works to formulate the said module.