Conducted Special Assessment or Visit of Establishment (SAVE) at NOVO Store, Iligan City
On April 6, 2016, Ocular Inspection conducted at Iligan City. Upon interview, the following were found, 35 workers, 15 of which are stay-in. We found out that the existing fire exit in the first floor is to be condemned due to construction of other establishment. So the group decided to remove the fire exits signage’s to avoid confusions to the employees and clients. No annual work accident and illness reports and no first aiders. Upon further interrogation the following were found,No Certificate of BOSH Training, Registration of the establishment is still on the process. Drug, Hep B, HIV-AIDS and TB Policies not yet received by DOLE, Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC) is still for request and Emergency Medicines discovered to be out of stock.
General Housekeeping is very poor. Office & Warehouse has no ventilation, hazardous to fire. The warehouse per inspection is almost dilapidated. Structure almost collapsing. The comfort room is dirty and not maintained.
Fire exits does not meet the following design and construction requirements. Pitiful is that the stay-in had to use the bars to reach the first floor. But smoke detector, fire alarm, sprinklers are available in case of fire.