OSH Orientation for DILEED Beneficiaries

The Occupational Safety and Health Center Caraga Regional Extension Unit (OSHC REU Caraga) joined DOLE RTWPB Caraga and DOLE Surigao del Sur Field Office in the conduct Free OSH Orientation on DOLE Programs for the seventy three(73) DOLE INTEGRATED LIVELIHOOD. AND EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT. PROGRAM (DILEEP) Beneficiaries on October 18, 2016 held at Villa Luisa Hotel, Surigao del Sur.
One of the participants was the Bislig Massage Therapist Association(BISMASTA). The members are composed of displaced workers from PICOP, a huge paper company in Mangagoy, Bislig , Surigao del Sur. The group was able to sustain their massage clinic from the P427,000 livelihood grant they receive from DOLE.

The Free Occupational Safety and Health Orientation aims to enable participants to appreciate the concepts of work safety and health. Participants will also acquire the general perspective on occupational safety and health and identified responses or control measures to prevent workplace hazards.
This is part of the mandate of OSHC from the directive of OSHC executive director to protect workers through the preventive approach of reducing/eliminating occupational accidents and illnesses and to promote workers' welfare through the effective implementation of OSH programs that will enhance productivity and subsequently contribute to national economic development efforts.