9th Western Visayas HIV/AIDS Congress

Melveen Melocoton, Admin Officer, was invited as a resource speaker on the discussion related to “HIV/AIDS in the Workplace” at San Jose, Antique.

The activity was two-day regional assembly of people living with HIV (PLHIV), their family members, the health care providers, multi-sectoral partners and support groups to give opportunity for sharing information and experiences, and a venue for mutual encouragement, creative problem solving and exposure to the latest research and clinical findings. It would set out ways in which PLHIVs, health providers (both private and public), and government can work as partners in a positive and open relationship that would lead to greater involvement of PLHIVs in advocacy, service delivery and other relevant actions. This activity would also give PLHIVs especially the new ones the encouragement to actively participate in HIV and AIDS activities and events so they would feel the support given by the community.