TV Guesting – Tipon-Tipan at PIA RO2 with DOLE RCC for the DOLE Anniversary

The Cagayan Valley Occupational Safety and Health Network conducted its first meeting for 2017 at Palaisdaan Hotel, Bagabag, Nueva Vizcaya on January 5 & 6, 2017.
Attendees were DOLE RO2 ARD Elpidio Atal Jr., OSHNet advisers/LLCO’s Engr. Joseph Marvin Sales and Ms. Laura B. Diciano, CVOSHNet President Ms Lilian Cacayurin, Vice President Mr. Lukemark Rivera, Auditor Mr. Joel De Leon, Treasurer Mr. Oliver Baccay and OSHC REU 2 Representativel Engr. Karen B. Matusalem.
Topics discussed are accomplishment report for 2016 and planning of 2017 schedule of activities.