OSH Orientation during 2-Day Seminar Workshop for PESO Managers and Staff
The Occupational Safety and Health Center through its Regional Extension Unit 9 Focal Ms. Ma. Joy Reneeli C. Espinosa conducted an OSH Orientation in Dipolog City, Zamboanga del Norte.

Spearheaded by the Province of Zamboanga del Norte PESO in coordination with DOLE Zamboanga del Norte Field Office, the 2-Day Seminar Workshop for PESO Managers and Staff aims to enhance the knowledge of the participants and equip them to be able to deliver good services in their municipalities. During the first day, Ms. Espinosa discussed “Occupational Safety and Health towards Productivity” emphasizing on the importance of OSH and its benefits among employers and employees. Among the topics presented were OSH Situationer, Basic Accident Causation, Different Safety and Health Hazards, Building Blocks of OSH (Guide for OSH Implementation).
Around 70 participants coming from the Private and Public Sector representing various trades and industry (mostly from the Academe) participated. As a result, several companies have expressed their commitment to OSH and an On-Site / In-House orientation will be explored to assist companies further towards OSH compliance