Fiesta sa Mayo para sa mga Obreros & 10th Gawad Kaligtasan at Kalusugan Regional Awarding
The DOLE-RCC, in partnership with social partners, organized and managed the celebration of the annual activity entitled, “Fiesta sa Mayo...

Mr. Agno together with Ms. Evelyn Tandayu Supervising Industrial Hygienist conducted Work Environment Measurement at YKK located at San...
Labor Management Council – Labor Convergence Team Meeting and Capacity Building Activity
The Labor Management Council – Labor Convergence Team (LMC-LCT), together with NCMB Executive Director Shirley M. Pascual, gathered and...
OSH Investigation
Ms. Espinosa joined the OSH Investigation Team composed of DOLE 9 LLCO Sheryl Joaquin and ECC 9 Focal Jerrick Go, in response to an...
Manongs and Manangs Day Out
The DOLE-RCC organized and held an activity for the kasambahays to extend the reach of vital government services to them, empower them of...
Plant Level LMC Convergence of Programs
Mr. Bulatao conducted OSH orientation in CANITALK ACADEMY located at Yangco Road, Baguio City.

Basic Occupational Safety and Health Training
OSHnet 4A conducted BOSH Training. A total of fifty two (52) potential safety officers composing of thirty three (33) males and nineteen...

Construction Occupational Safety and Health (COSH) Training
The Bicol Occupational Safety and Health Network, Inc. (Bicol OSHNet), in coordination with the Department of Labor and Employment,...
Loss Control Management Seminar Training
Monitored the Loss Control Management Seminar conducted by Safety House Inc. on May 19,2016 at Sky Rise Hotel Baguio City with 13...
DOLE 9 RCC Meeting
Ms. Espinosa represented OSHC during the RCC meeting to discuss on preparations of RCC Convergence Activity and Tribute to Labor...