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Public Hearing on the Joint Administrative Order (JAO) on the National Occupational Health and Safet

Mr. Andayog attended the Public Hearing on the Joint Administrative Order (JAO) on National Occupational Health and Safety (NOHS) Framework and its Implementing Rules and Guidelines (IRG) conducted by DOH on September 27-29, 2016 at Island Cove Hotel and Leisure Park, Kawit, Cavite.

Representatives from major agencies such as DOLE, CSC and DOH attended and took part in the deliberation and express their ideas and acceptance of the draft policy for implementation. Inputs were made on the following: training of personnel in OSH, notification and keeping of records of accidents/illness, environmental controls (WEM), occupational health services, OH policies (TB, HIV, Hepa B), DO 16. 2013 OSH situationer was also presented to the moderator which will be included in the rationale of the JAO. DOLE roles and responsibilities include: implementation of LLCS and OSHS for private sector, development of OSH programs, trainings and services. The CSC will monitor and evaluate compliance of public sector on occupational health and safety standard and regulations.

The RIACEH will be created in the regions composed of DOH (Chairman), DOLE and CSC (Co-Chairperson) and shall oversee the implementation of the NOHS Policy Framework.

To read the NOSH draft, please click the link here.

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