Meeting with Bicol OSHNet and On-site Validation at PGPC with Engr. Noel C. Binag
Engr. Oliver E. Aligan, Bicol OSHNet President, called the meeting to order at 12:00 PM after a qourum was declared. In the meeting,...
OSSC Launching and Wage Consultation
Mr. Andayog attended the launching of the Masbate One-Stop Service Center hosted by the Masbate Provincial Government last April 18, 2017...
Masbate One Stop Shop
Mr. Andayog attended the meeting regarding the creation of Masbate One-Stop Service Center hosted by the Masbate Provincial Government...

OSH Orientation for Sugar Workers
The Occupational Safety and Health Center – Regional Extension Unit 5 in coordination with Department of Labor and Employment Regional...
OSH Orientation
Mr. Andayog acted as resource speaker in which discussion was focused on the elements needed in the successful implementation of OSH...
STO Monitoring
Mr. Andayog conducted monitoring and evaluation on the performance of Salus Consultancy Services, with STO Accreditation No. DOLE...

OSH Orientation – CLES
The activity provided easy access to basic information, programs and services of OSHC to motivate and promote compliance with...

OSH Orientation
OSHC REU 5 conducted an OSH Orientation to the members and officers of the Camarines Norte Federation Of Cooperatives (CANOFECO) to...
LMC Meeting
Mr. Andayog attended the meeting conducted by NCMB on March 20, 2017 at NCMB Office, Legazpi City. Agenda includes CY 2017 Plan of...
OSH Practitioner Interview
Mr. Andayog participated in the activity by validating data, information and documents submitted by the applicant. In the actual conduct...