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Masbate One Stop Shop

Mr. Andayog attended the meeting regarding the creation of Masbate One-Stop Service Center hosted by the Masbate Provincial Government last March 14, 2017 at SP Hall Capitol Bldg., Masbate City. The replication of the Bicol OSSCO housed at Pacific Mall, Legazpi City was conceptualized in order to make the local government more responsive to the needs of its constituents. OSHC together with other 20 participating organizations have agreed to jointly undertake the setting-up of OSSCO to house under one roof a menu of frontline services and to fully cooperate to ensure the effective implementation and operations of the center.

OSHC shall assign a part-time staff whose schedule will be coordinated with the center manager to provide occupational safety and health trainings and answer queries on its programs and services.

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