OSH Orientation for Sagip Farmers and Fisherfolks Development Cooperative

Mr. Andayog oriented the members and officers of the Sagip Farmers and Fisherfolks Development Cooperative on the basics of safety and health. This include topics on the identification of common hazards present in the backyard enterprises such as materials handling and storage, poor housekeeping, use of sharps and other equipment, exposure to dust and other contaminants, heat stress, and musculoskeletal disorders as well as preventive measures in the form of OSH management systems and a general safety culture, to reduce risks at work.
Sagip FFDC received a brand new Rice Mill and Two Units of Rice Threshers amounting to P 488,958 from DOLE on August 30, 2012 at Landungan, Masbate Youth and Migrant Center, in Nursery, Masbate City. Some 300 farmer beneficiaries are now benefiting from the services of the said ricemill and other post harvest equipment.
No. of Participants Total: 22 Male: 15 Female: 7 Companies: 1