Basic Occupational Safety and Health Training
In coordination with Corporate Occupational Safety, Health & Environment Association of the Philippines, Inc. (COSHEMAP, Inc.),...

Media Guesting
Ms. Espinosa was the guest during the DOLE 9 Regular Program on EMedia – “Obras de Obreros”. Topics discussed were 1960 of the...
DOLE 9 and attached agencies conducted MYPA in Dipolog City, Zamboanga del Norte. The activity aims to highlight the accomplishments...

OSH Orientation
Ms. Espinosa was invited by WMPC to conduct OSH Orientation to their employees. The importance of Safety and Health Policies and...

OSH Orientation for the Informal Sector
OSHC REU IX focal conducted series of OSH Orientation to cover around 1,388 farmer beneficiaries of TUPAD Program of DOLE 9. In...

OSH Orientation
Ms. Espinosa was invited by ZAMSURECO II to conduct OSH Orientation to their employees. The importance of Safety and Health Policies and...
Training of Trainers (TOT) on OSH
COSHEMAP Inc. in coordination with DOLE Regional Office and OSHC 9 conducted Training of Trainers (TOT) on OSH at Garden Orchid Hotel,...

Basic Occupational Safety and Health Training
In coordination with Corporate Occupational Safety, Health & Environment Association of the Philippines, Inc. (COSHEMAP, Inc.),...
Construction Safety and Health Training
In coordination with DOLE Regional Office IX and COSHEMAP, Inc. Construction Safety & Health Training (COSH) was conducted in Zamboanga...

Free BLS / CPR Training for Safety and Health Officers
Free BLS/CPR Training for Safety and Health Officers sponsored by COSHEMAP Inc. and PhilCOHSP in coordination with DOLE 9, DOLE ZCFO and...