Work Environment Measurement and Hazardous Material
Mr. Andayog attended the Training on Work Environment Measurement and Hazardous Material which provided knowledge and skills in the...
Chemical Safety Training
Mr. Andayog attended the Chemical Safety Training on 31 August 2016 at OSHC, Diliman Quezon City. Topics discussed include GHS...
Special Assessments or Visit of Establishments (SAVE) - Philtranco Service Enterprises, Inc., Iriga
On August 26, 2016, BWC, OSHC and DOLE RO 5 conducted Special Assessments or Visit of Establishments (SAVE) at Philtranco Iriga City Bus...
OSH Orientation during DOLE ITC
Mr. Andayog conducted an OSH Orientation during DOLE ITC conducted by PFO Sorsogon on 19 August 2016 at Buhutan River Eco-Adventure...
Training on “Ergonomics in the Workplace”
A two-day seminar on Training on “Ergonomics in the Workplace” was organized by the Occupational Safety and Health Center and was held...
National Tuberculosis Control Program-Regional Coordinating Committee (NTP-RCC) Meeting
Mr. Andayog attended the National Tuberculosis Control Program-Regional Coordinating Committee (NTP-RCC) Meeting on 10 August 2016 at...

Construction Occupational Safety and Health (COSH) Training
The Bicol Occupational Safety and Health Network, Inc. (Bicol OSHNet), in coordination with the Department of Labor and Employment,...
Accreditation of OSH Practitioner – Interview
One (1) applicant undergone face to face meeting with OSHC, DOLE & Bicol OSHNet as evaluators. Mr. Andayog participated in the activity...
DOH - Regional Interagency Committee on Environmental Health (RIACEH) Meeting
Mr. Andayog attended the DOH - Regional Interagency Committee on Environmental Health (RIACEH) Meeting last 15 July 2016 at La Roca...
OSH Orientation during the RTWPB Service Quality Training for Hotels & Restaurants
Mr. Andayog introduced the key OSH concepts, principles and practices that are foundational knowledge requirements to determine existing...