GKK Initial Workplace Evaluation at Sunpower
Sunpower Philippines is the 9th GKK champion. The “Good Catch Program” is part of their Safety and Health Program which aims to locate...
Meeting with the Safety Organization of Negros Occidental, Inc.
Met with the officers of SONO, Inc. at Nature’s Restaurant, Bacolod City with the following agenda: BOSH, March 14-18, 2016 1st GMM –...
GKK Initial Workplace Evaluation at LAMCOR
LAMCOR has maintain its record for zero loss time accident but then has only one (1) accredited Safety Practitioner for their 2000+...
Basic Occupational Safety and Health Training
OSHnet 4A conducted BOSH Training. A total of Fifty three (53) potential safety officers composing of forty (40) males and thirteen (13)...

Continuing Tripartite Consultation for Stakeholders in the Fishing Industry
Continuing Tripartite Consultation for Stakeholders in the Fishing Industry spearheaded by the Department of Labor and Employment...
OSH Orientation at Lifebank Foundation, Inc.
In collaboration with ECC, conducted an OSH orientation to (30) workers consisting of supervisors and managers of the company. Turned...
GKK Initial Workplace Evaluation at AP Renewables Inc.
The Regional GKK Secretariat composed of Mr. Agno, OSHC; Mr. Jeruz Castillo, ECC; Mr. Albert Gesulgon, DOLE conducted an initial...

GKK Initial Workplace Validation at NY Marine Resources and Iceplant Corporation
The Regional GKK Secretariat composed of Ms. Espinosa, OSHC; Mr. Go, ECC; and Ms. Joaquin, DOLE LLCO, conducted an initial workplace...

GKK Initial Workplace Validation at YL Fishing Corporation
The Regional GKK Secretariat composed of Ms. Espinosa, OSHC; Mr. Go, ECC; and Ms. Joaquin, DOLE LLCO, conducted an initial workplace...

GKK Initial Workplace Validation at Permex Producer and Exporter Corporation
The Regional GKK Secretariat composed of Ms. Espinosa, OSHC; Mr. Go, ECC; and Ms. Joaquin, DOLE LLCO, conducted an initial workplace...